Returns Policy

Refund Request Requirements

Please note that in order to process your refund the following documents are required:

1. Email requesting the refund to be done.
2. Company Banking Details
Please stipulate your banking details on your company letterhead with the following information:

3. Reason for the Refund Request
Please also stipulate on your company letterhead reason for refund, as well as the ZAR Rand amount requested.

4. Proof of Beneficiary Banking Details
Please provide either a cancelled cheque or letter on your banker’s letterhead confirming your banking details.

5. Proof of Payment
Please provide either, EFT confirmations, Debit Card slips, Credit Card slips OR Cash receipts.

Refund Policy Notes

Please take careful note of the following;

a. Refund can only be paid into the same account name and account holder, it was remitted from, with exception to a Credit Card payment.

b. Refunds cannot be refunded to Credit Card, via EFT transfer.
Hence we would appreciate your assistance in providing details of your Cheque (Current) or Savings account, in the same name as the Credit Card account name utilised for payment.

c. Any form of payments must reflect in the Pinnacle Micro’s banking account for ten (10) working days from date of payment, prior to refund.

d. All refund requests are processed and payable on a FRIDAY only.
This is conditional to ALL the above information and documentation being received no later than MONDAY, prior to the FRIDAY process day. If the above information and documentation is ONLY received after MONDAY, then refund will ONLY be effected by the following FRIDAY.

e. Refunds can be released between a minimum of 7 working days to a maximum of 14 working days, from the date of the refund request, dependant on the above information and documentation provided and availability of signatories to approve and effect the refund.

Returned Goods

13.1. Whilst Laptop Accessories SA is under no obligation to accept the return of goods, the Customer may apply to Laptop Accessories SA for permission to return goods and if written permission is given:

13.1.1.  the Customer may return any defective goods to the premises of Laptop Accessories SA or its nominee at the Customer’s own cost.

13.1.2.   any item delivered to Laptop Accessories SA will form the object of a pledge in favour of Laptop Accessories SA for present and past debts of the Customer to Laptop Accessories SA and Laptop Accessories SA will be entitled to retain such pledge at a value determined as follows:  the difference between the selling price and the value of the goods at the time that the debt became due.  the value of any repossessed goods or retained pledge goods will be deemed to be the value placed on them by any sworn valuator after such repossession and such valuator will be prima facie proof of the value.

13.2. Laptop Accessories SA reserves the right to charge a handling fee on goods returned.

13.3. The credit control department must be notified of the relevant invoice, packing slip and batch numbers before any claim will be considered.

13.4. Goods that are not as ordered must be returned, unopened and unused, forthwith and in all cases within 3 days. Goods, whether according with those ordered or not, that are delivered and used, will in all circumstances be deemed to have been ordered at TD’s usual prices and must be paid for. Only unused goods that are not as ordered and that are unused may be returned.

13.5. Laptop Accessories SA will follow the policies on any returned and/or faulty goods or goods which the vendor regards as “dead on arrival”, as prescribed by the vendor responsible for the brand of goods. Details of prescribed vendor policies are obtainable from Tarsus.

14. Warranties & Indemnities

14.1. Goods are sold only with the manufacturer’s product specific warranties. All other guarantees and warranties, including common law guarantees and warranties in relation to goods and services, are hereby specifically excluded to the maximum extent permissible in law by Laptop Accessories SA.

14.2. All warranties are immediately null, and void should any equipment be tampered with or should the “seals” on the equipment be broken by anyone other than Tarsus or its appointed nominee, or should the goods be operated outside the manufacturer’s specifications or warranty terms.

14.3. To be valid, warranty claims must be supported by the original tax invoice and the goods must be accompanied by all accessories and manuals. All items must be returned in “as new” condition.

14.4. No warranties whether express or implied shall apply, other than those provided expressly in these Standard Terms and Conditions. Laptop Accessories SA specifically disclaims the implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. No representation or warranty, including but not limited to statements of capacity, suitability for use or performance made by employees of Tarsus shall be considered to be a warranty by Laptop Accessories SA. Any such statements made shall not give rise to any liability of whatsoever nature on the part of Laptop Accessories SA, its employees, subcontractors, or subsidiaries. Laptop Accessories SA will not be liable to the Customer for any loss, damage, or expense of any nature, whether direct, special, indirect, or consequential, including but not limited to loss of profits arising out of Laptop Accessories SA’s performance or the use of the goods or services rendered.

14.5. The Customer indemnifies and holds Laptop Accessories SA (including its employees, subcontractors or subsidiaries) harmless against all claims of whatsoever nature that may be brought or threatened against Laptop Accessories SA by any third party arising from or in connection with any act or omission of the Customer or its employees or any breach of any term of this Agreement by the Customer or arising out of any claim by the Customers duly appointed specified users.

14.6. The Customer shall not duplicate copyrighted material. In the event of the Customer duplicating copyrighted material, each attempt to do so will immediately render the full prevailing price in respect thereof payable to Laptop Accessories SA.

15. Repairs

15.1. Laptop Accessories SA’s liability in terms of a manufacturer’s warranty is restricted to, in Laptop Accessories SA or the manufacturer’s discretion, the cost of repair or replacement of faulty goods or services or the granting of credit. Laptop Accessories SA assumes and shall have no liability at all for the preservation or loss of any data on any goods returned to Laptop Accessories SA.

15.2. In the case of repairs undertaken by Laptop Accessories SA repair quotes given are merely estimates and are not binding on Laptop Accessories SA.

15.3. The Customer hereby agrees that any item returned for a repair may be sold by Laptop Accessories SA to defray the cost of such repair if the item remains uncollected for a period of 30 (thirty) days after the repairs have been completed and the Customer having been notified thereof.